Beauty Tips Massage Nails Skincare

Did You Know? Facts about Nails.


Facts about Nail Growth and Structure.

Information on how to have beautiful, natural nails.

The primary purpose of the free edge of the nail is to protect the tip of the finger and or toe.

nail anatomy

The nail bed is attached to the bone by ligaments.

The nail root is attached at the base of the nail, under the skin and inside the mantle.

The skin that touches, overlaps and surrounds the nail is the perionychium.

The lunula is the half-moon shape at the base of the nail that appears white due to a reflection of light at the point where the nail matrix and nail bed meet.

Nails are an appendage of the skin.Nail anatomy 2


The cuticle is the loose and pliable overlapping skin around the nail.

The average growth of nails is 1/8th inch per month in adults.

Nails grow slower due to aging, winter months and or poor nutrition and tend to grow the fastest in the summer.

The growth of a new nail plate takes approximately 4 to 6 months.

Nail polish, applied correctly, can give the nail a healthy thicker appearance.

Hand massage with a good lotion will add much needed moisture to the skin and the nails, as well as, increasing circulation, blood flow, stimulation and relaxation to the hands and feet.

Over filing the nail and using too harsh of an abrasive or chemicals can thin and damage the natural nail.  Electric Files are meant to be used only on artificial nails.  Damage from electric files can harm natural nails.

In the salon, there are several quick fixes to get your nails looking great immediately, however, there is nothing better than prevention.  If you treat you natural nails with care, they will grow and be beautiful.  Regular manicures with quality tools, equipment and products is the best routine to get into if you want beautiful, natural nails.



Aromatherapy Beauty Business Health Reflexology

What is Reflexology? Why in the Salon?

Reflexology Helps to Relieve STRESS!

Reflexology is a wonderful method of pressure point massage used primarily on the hands and feet to induce relaxation and stress reduction.

mani pedi


History of Reflexology.

cosmet ancient

It originated in ancient times around 2,330 B.C.   The record of the Egyptians left was found in the “Physicians Tomb” from the early 6th dynasty.  Pictures depicting the massaging of the hands and feet and had hieroglyphics which translate to “Don’t hurt me”, and the reply: “I shall act so you praise me”.

Asian cultures have used acupressure or Shiatso and accupuncture which uses needles instead of massage.  Most cultures have some type of relaxation techniques using the hands or feet.ancient cosmet 5 - Copy - Copy

Dr. William H. Firzgerald is usually referred to as the pioneer of Reflexology which he called Zone Therapy in his 1917 book, Zone Therapy, or Relieving Pain At Home.

Eunice Ingham expanded and helped polularize Reflexology with her tow books, Stories The Feet Can Tell, and Stories the Feet Have Told.  Mildred Carter, Dr. Maybelle Segal, Anna Kaye & Don C. Matchan, and Dr. Elson M. Haas, The Reflexology Workout have also written scholarly works on the subject.

So….What is the Definition of Reflexology?

“A reflex in an involuntary response to a stimulus,” according to the Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary.  A simple definition of Reflexology is massaging specific areas of the hands or feet for the purpose of relieving the stress or pain in corresponding areas of the body.


The biological concept of stress was first developed by Hans Selye who intended originally for “stress” to indicate a cause rather than effect.  He made a linguistic error and gave the term stress to the effect and later had to create the term “stressor” to explain the cause.

Stress is defined in medicine as the result produced when a structure, system or organism is acted upon by forces that disrupt equilibrium or produce strain.

It is generally believed that a little stress is required to maintain certain biological organisms, however, too much can cause pathological changes in the body.

Reflexology relieves stress and tension, improves blood supply and helps unblock nerve impulses, to achieve homeostasis.


There are over 7,000 nerve endings on the bottom of each foot.  Stimulation of these nerve endings sends signals along to the spinal cord, and up to the thalamus gland in the brain, which produces its own opiate-like painkillers called endorphins.  Reflexology stimulates the body’s own pain killing system.  Similar to acupressure, the application of pressure to the points over the whole body, and acupuncture, the placement of needles in certain points in the body.  However, Reflexology uses only massage on the hands or feet to relieve the stress of the body.  foot massage

Reflexology is also similar to Shiatsu, which is an oriental massage in which the fingers are pressed on particular points, called tsubo, that ease aches, pains, tension and symptoms of disease.  The 361 Tsubos are also Acupunture points and the pressure points that are located along the “meridian lines,” the fourteen channels through which the body’s energy flows according to Oriental philosophy.

Whether it is a pressure point or a needle point, it is the nervous system reactions to this stimuli that begins the process of releasing pain killers from the brain and placed into the blood stream to distribute throughout the body.

We find that reflexology paired with foot, hand and chair massage takes the client to a new level or relaxation.  This helps to reduce daily stress and give the body the opportunity to re-balance itself and help induce greater well being.

Aromatherapy is another massage add on that can be used in hair, nailimages (46) and facial services.  If your are interested in more information about any of these services check out the subjects listed in our information or topic boxes, or give us a call 405-238-3426 or facebook us at Miller/Salonpmca.

We are here for YOU, and want your experience to be the best ever.  We are constantly looking for ways to help our clients with their beauty needs, and sometimes this involves helping the client to relax and unwind after a hard day.  If we can help you with anything please let us know.

Penny Miller Group Pic 1Best Wishes,

Penny Miller